2016 Glossary - 34
other. Also, the combined width of the central incisors compared with their height follow the Golden
gothic arch tracer n: a device rarely used in contemporary dental practice that determines an accurate,
verifiable, and reproducible centric relation position
and the proper occlusal vertical dimension.
gothic arch tracing n: see central bearing tracing.
graft n: (1) any tissue or organ transferred to a patient;
(2) any tissue or organ from a donor or a second site
in the recipient used for implantation or transplantation into the recipient at the required site; (3) a piece
of viable (living) tissue positioned in contact with injured tissues to afford a scaffold for repairing a defect
or correcting a deficiency; (4) to stimulate closure between separate tissues.
granuloma n: An exophytic mass representing a proliferative response of the tissue. When evaluated
microscopically it is characterized by macrophages
typically surrounded by lymphocytes. Giant cells are
often present.
granulomatous tissue n: Inflammatory process resulting in a distinctive pattern. Microscopic evaluation
typically reveals epitheloid cells derived from histocytes. Surrounding cells are predominantly lymphocytes.
gray n: a unit of absorbed radiation dose equivalent to
100 rad. Abbreviated Gy.
guided tissue regeneration n: procedure that helps
to regenerate lost periodontal structures or alveolar
processes in the jaw. Grafting materials are commonly used to guide the growth of the new tissue and to
prevent the ingrowth of unwanted tissue.
ader bar n: a rigid bar that connects 2 or
more abutments designed for the retention
of a restoration(s). The removable restoration contains housings that are machined
to clip over the bar.
halitosis n: malodorous breath often offensive to others. Halitosis results from a variety of causes, such as
bacteria on the tongue, periodontal disease, poor
oral hygiene, systemic disorders, and consumption
of some food types. Also known as fetor ex ore, fetor
oris, and stomatodysodia.
Hanau's Quint n: the 5 factors affecting the occlusal
balance of complete dentures: (1) incisal guidance,
(2) condylar guidance, (3) cusp height, (4) plane of occlusion, and (5) compensating curve. Hanau's Quint
was first explained by Rudolph Hanau in 1926.
hard palate n: bony partition separating the oral and
nasal cavities.
Hawley appliance n: a removable upper appliance
that covers the anterior hard palate and contains a
labial archwire and an anterior bite plate. The Hawley
appliance-usually made from acrylic-is used for
orthodontic treatment, the treatment of the temporomandibular joint and associated muscle spasms,
prosthodontic diagnosis and treatment, and wound
healing cap n: a cover for an implant fixture that guides
gingival healing and gingival cuff formation.
healing screw n: the cover for an implant fixture that
protects the fixture during the healing phase after
surgical placement of the implant body. The purpose
of the healing screw is to ensure access to the internal threaded cavity for later use.
heel n: the distal end of a denture.
hematoma n: a confined gathering of extravasated
blood, usually clotted, that presents as a mass in a
tissue, organ, or space.
hemidesmosome n: an ultrastructural feature located
on the basal surface of some epithelial cells forming
the position of attachment between the basal surface of the cell and the basement membrane, or the
conditioning film of a dental implant.
hemostasis n: stopping hemorrhage (bleeding).
hemostat n: an agent, apparatus, or instrument that
may be used to stop hemorrhage.
hemostatic agent n: any compound, such as aluminum chloride or ferric sulfate, that stops or decreases
hemorrhage. Oftentimes these agents are used to
control bleeding during impression taking, restoration delivery, and surgical procedures.
herpetic gingivostomatitis n: see gingivostomatitis.
2016 Glossary
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2016 Glossary
No label
2016 Glossary - Cover1
2016 Glossary - Cover2
2016 Glossary - No label
2016 Glossary - 2
2016 Glossary - 3
2016 Glossary - 4
2016 Glossary - 5
2016 Glossary - 6
2016 Glossary - 7
2016 Glossary - 8
2016 Glossary - 9
2016 Glossary - 10
2016 Glossary - 11
2016 Glossary - 12
2016 Glossary - 13
2016 Glossary - 14
2016 Glossary - 15
2016 Glossary - 16
2016 Glossary - 17
2016 Glossary - 18
2016 Glossary - 19
2016 Glossary - 20
2016 Glossary - 21
2016 Glossary - 22
2016 Glossary - 23
2016 Glossary - 24
2016 Glossary - 25
2016 Glossary - 26
2016 Glossary - 27
2016 Glossary - 28
2016 Glossary - 29
2016 Glossary - 30
2016 Glossary - 31
2016 Glossary - 32
2016 Glossary - 33
2016 Glossary - 34
2016 Glossary - 35
2016 Glossary - 36
2016 Glossary - 37
2016 Glossary - 38
2016 Glossary - 39
2016 Glossary - 40
2016 Glossary - 41
2016 Glossary - 42
2016 Glossary - 43
2016 Glossary - 44
2016 Glossary - 45
2016 Glossary - 46
2016 Glossary - 47
2016 Glossary - 48
2016 Glossary - 49
2016 Glossary - 50
2016 Glossary - 51
2016 Glossary - 52
2016 Glossary - 53
2016 Glossary - 54
2016 Glossary - 55
2016 Glossary - 56
2016 Glossary - 57
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2016 Glossary - 60
2016 Glossary - 61
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2016 Glossary - 72
2016 Glossary - Cover3
2016 Glossary - Cover4