The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 6

BIBle sTudy

No Longer Strangers: Crossing Borders
for Peacemaking, Part 4
What It Means to Cross Over
A Bible Study by Doris García-Rivera
Texts:	Luke	8:26-39,	Acts	16:16-24
Here are some examples in scripture:
Editor's	 note:	 The	 following	 is	 the	 last	 of 	 a	 four-part	 series	 of 	 Bible	
studies	given	by	Doris	García-Rivera	during	the	2015	BPFNA	Summer	
1.	Distribution	of 	help	in	Acts	2	and	the	discrimination	against	
Conference	in	Harrisonburg,	VA,	last	July.	In	Part	1,	"Created	in	God's	
Greek	widows.
Image:	Defining	Ourselves,"	Dr.	Garcia	discussed	the	concept	of 	the	divine	
2.	The	conflict	between	Paul	and	Peter	in	Galatians.
image	in	the	ancient	Near	East	and	in	our	globalized	world	of 	today,	and	
3.	Conflict	in	Acts	15	over	the	inclusion	of 	Gentiles.
the	Bible	as	an	intercultural	document.	In	Part	2,	"The	Invitation	to	
Below are some of the historical controversies of the
Naming,"	she	discussed	how	the	power	of 	naming	affects	our	relationships	
with	God,	creation	and	other	people,	and	what	it	means	to	welcome	the	
stranger	in	our	world.	In	Part	3,	"No	Longer	Strangers:	Crossing	Borders	
*	Integration	of 	the	Gentiles	to	Judeo-Christians	and	
for	Peacemaking,"	she	introduced	the	theme	of 		intercultural	competency	
	 requirements	imposed.
and	the	case	of 	Hagar	in	the	book	of 	Genesis.	In	the	final	installment,	she	
*	Debates	on	the	canon	and	the	nature	of 	Christ:
considers	with	us	how	to	live	out	the	ideal	of 	crossing	borders.	
Arianism, Socinianism, Gnosticism, Marcionism.
*	When	to	celebrate	Eucharist.
he history of the church has been loaded with tension as
*	Cesaropapismo	(Caesaropapism)	Fourth	Century:	
walls, borders and limits have been erected to keep the
	 -Charlemagne	binds	the	Church	to	the	State	
"other" away. Yet walls, borders and limits have been taken
and vice versa.
down when realization came that the stranger was not so
	 -Disputes	about	the	relationship	between	
strange. These tensions within the Church created conflicts,
church and state.2
big and small, throughout all of the history of Christianity.
*	The	concept	of 	sola fide	(by	faith	alone):
Martin Luther, Lutheranism, Protestantism.
*	Theory	of 	a	heliocentric	solar	system:	
Galileo,	1633
*	Evolutionary	theory
	 			Darwin	and	the	Origin	of 	
	 			Species,	1830
*	Baptism	
*	Women	in	ministry	
	*	Slavery
*	End	of 	the	world	
*	Ecumenism	
*	Gender	issues


Left: Rev. Dr. Doris Garcia-Rivera
led the morning Bible studies at
the BPFNA Summer Conference in
Harrisonburg, VA, last July.
Photo by Steve Hammond.


Baptist Peacemaker

OCT-DEC 2016


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016

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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - No label
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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 4
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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 6
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 7
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 8
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 9
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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 11
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 12
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 13
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 14
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 15
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 16
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