The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 8

BIBle sTudy

Crossing Over
continued from page 7
Yasha originally meant, "being with space, outsized"
in opposition to oppression, which is to be narrow, limited,
drowned or wrapped. Oppression was perceived as being
wrapped. To open the wrapping is to bring salvation.
The verb "to save" ‫( עשי‬hifil or nifal) has many meanings
and represents many contexts of life. The oldest meaning is
to be free, to save, release, make room, be broad, have much
room or live in abundance. The word has the sense that the
oppressed would be lost without this help/act of salvation.
It also means to cleanse an evil heart (Jer. 4:14), to fight
enemies (Psalm 18: 4, Num. 10: 9), to take victory in a war
between humans (Judges 3:31) or by the hand of god (Ex.
14:30 Ps. 44: 7-9), rescue of injustice (Ps. 109: 30-31).
In the New Testament, three greek words are associated
with salvation:
*	Therapeuo:	to	take	care	of,	wait	on,	cure	or	restore.
*	Iaomi:	to	cure	or	deliver.	
*	Sozo:	to	save,	rescue,	maintain,	do	well,	be	completely	free	of 	
disease,	saved	from	eternal	death.

Intercultural	Seminary	in	San	Cristóbal	de	las	Casas,	Chiapas.	She	is	a	
longtime	friend	of 	the	BPFNA.	

"Crossing over in this context requires
engaging the Bible in an "other/different"
way of reading and interpreting."
1. "La División de la Iglesia" (
2. Ideología que sostenía la teoría del origen divino de los
reyes y les daba poder absoluto sobre la religión y el gobierno
a la vez. Juan Crisostomo muere en exilio por criticar corte
imperial en sus homilías.
3. Editor's note: at this point of the Bible study presentation,
Dr. garcia divided the listeners into groups and asked them
to discuss these questions.
4. Eric D. Barret, Ethnic	Negotiations:	The	Function	of 	Race	and	
Ethnicity	in	Acts	16, pp. 154-156
5. David M. gunn & Danna Nolan Fewel, Narrative Art in the
Hebrew	Bible, p.101.


* gary M. Burge, Jesus	and	the	Land:	The	New	Testament	Challenge	
to	"Holy	Land"	Theology. Michigan: Baker Academic 2010.
* David M. gunn & Danna Nolan Fewell. Narrative Art in the
Hebrew	Bible. New York: Oxford, 1993.
* John F. Kilner, "Humanity in god's image: is the image
really damaged?" JETS Vol 53, Num 3 (September 2010):
601-617 (
* Stacy D. Kitahata, "Transforming Service Experiences into
Lives of Service Leadership."	Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ECLA) Presentation to the Assembly of the
Crossing Over
Caribbean Synod, June 19, 2015.
Crossing over in this context requires engaging the Bible in an * Danilo Martucelli, "Lo intercultural ante la prueba de la
"other/different" way of reading and interpreting. Crossing dinámica entre exclusión e integración social," CIDOB d'Afers	
over requires that we become a prophetic church, an ethical Internacionals, Núm. 66-67, (2004): 53-68.
provocatour of society. It requires our willingness to make *Tsedal Neeley, "getting Cross-Cultural Teamwork Right"
interesting allies. It requires a good amount of healthy trust, a (
valuing of "others" and knowledge of their stories and contexts. * Carmelo Santos, "Accompaniment." ELCA Presentation to
Jesus was open to the experience of meeting the other the Assembly of the Caribbean Synod June 19, 2015 (http://
in her or his difference. He was sensitive to the pain, sorrow
and need of the other. He was willing to partake, celebrate * Jonathan Schofer ,"The Image of god: A Study of an Ancient
and mourn with the other. He shared his time, his energy and Sensibility," Journal	of 	the	Society	for	Textual	Reasoning, Vol 4, Num
himself. He became incarnate in the reality of humanity- 3, May 2006 (
which was "other" to him.
* Margarita Zubizarreta, et al. "Interculturality and Solidarity:
Jesus taught his disciples to love one another (John 15:13- Socio-political Ethics and Social Justice." A Study Paper.
15). This is what it means to cross over. The invitation is open. * Michael Willet Newheart, "My	Name	is	Legion":	The	story	and	
Let's cross over to the other side!
soul	of 	the	Gerasene	Demoniac. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical
-Doris	 García-Rivera,	 President	 of 	 the	 Seminario	 Evangélico	 de	 Press, 2004.
Puerto Rico, previously served as an American Baptist Missionary at
the Seminario Bautista de México in Mexico City and at the Mayan
Heal and save were synonymous actions (Mark 5:23; Luke
8:36 and Acts 14: 9) in the minds of the early Christians. This
is consistent with the overall sense of salvation and healing
from the ancient Hebrew.
Salvation means to make space: space for healing, space
for becoming whole, space for growing, space for dignity and
honor, space for encounter (human, divine or with nature),
and space to worship well and enjoy your god.


Baptist Peacemaker

OCT-DEC 2016

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016

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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - No label
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 2
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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 7
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 8
The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 9
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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 11
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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 13
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The Journal of the Baptist Peacemaker October-December 2016 - 16
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