After DeltaFox avionics installations, the old adage " you get what you pay for " truly applies. DeltaFox is located in the northern Virginia area at Manassas Regional Airport only 26 miles from Dulles International Airport and 42 miles from Washington National Airport. DeltaFox pays top dollar with highquality benefits to attract and retain the best technicians in the industry. " Our goal is to be the employer of choice in the field of aviation maintenance and avionics, " Schefer said. " In the Washington, means we must charge a price commensurate with the quality of work and skills we provide. " " I THINK THAT TOO OFTEN PEOPLE ASSUME A CERTAIN LEVEL OF STANDARD EXISTS SIMPLY BECAUSE IT IS AVIATION. MAINTENANCE IS NOT A COMMODITY EVEN THOUGH MANY AIRCRAFT OWNERS ASSUME THAT IT IS. " Charles Schefer / Delta Fox Aviation D.C., region, we are also competing with the hightech sector and segments of the aerospace industry, which require similarly skilled staff. Having some of the best and most experienced technicians in the industry The sales pitch from low-cost shops in some states is to fly your plane there and take a vacation while work on the aircraft is performed. Many shops pumping out low bids and quick installs are usually not into educating the members of their workforce. The Aircraft Electronics Association works diligently to educate the workforce of its member shops. The cost of going with a low bidder can show up big time after the job is done and things just don't work the way they should. " Aircraft owners have to think about warranty and support when they are buying an avionics installation, " Continued on following page... - 47 - Photos courtesy of Delta Fox Aviation